Nuestras Publicaciones
Vieyra, R. (October 2018). "Teaching students metacognition through discipline-based research and technology." Chapter in Einstein fellows: Best practices in STEM education, 2nd Ed. Peter Lang, Inc.
Genz, F., & Vieyra, R. (2016). Evaluating the use of flight simulators for the NASA/AAPT "Aeronautics for Introductory Physics" educator guide. Selected papers from the 20th international conference on multimedia in physics teaching and learning, pp. 139-148. (Related work on computer simulations and mobile apps.)
Nuestras Presentaciones
Vieyra, R. & Vieyra, C. (2019, November 26). ARCore: Visualizing the Invisible. Presentation given at DroidCon San Francisco, San Francisco, CA.
Vieyra, R. & Vieyra, C. (2019, November 16). Do You Know What I See: Visualization Tools for Physics. PhysCon2019. Presentation given at the AIP Physics Congress 2019. Providence, RI.
Vieyra R. & Vieyra, C. (2019, September 9). ARKit: Visualizing the Invisible. iOSDevCampDC. Plenary presentation given at the public meeting of Capital One iOS developers, McLean, VA. Video
Vieyra, R., Vieyra, C., Megowan Romanowicz, C.; Johnson, M; and Lopez, R. A. (2019, July 25). Visualizing Magnetic Fields with AR. PERC19. Presentation given at the meeting of the Physics Education Research Topical Group, Provo, UT.
Vieyra, R., Vieyra, C., & Hogan, D. (2018, March 16). Smartphones as Global Lab Tools: Experiences across Europe, Africa, and the Americas. NSTA18. Poster and round table discussion at the meeting of the National Science Teaching Association Global Conversation Poster and Share-a-thon workshop, Atlanta, GA.
Vieyra, R. (Spring 2018). "Sensors for Smartphone Science." Gothenburg University & Lund University. Seminars. Gothenburg & Lund, Sweden. INVITED.
Vieyra, C.; Vieyra, R.; & Xu, B. (July 2018). "Title TBD." American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting. Washington, DC.
Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (July 2018). "Bringing Active STEM Learning through an Experiment-Based Game Challenge." STEM Forum. (Submitted). Philadelphia, PA.
Vieyra, R., Vieyra C., & Hogan, D. (16 March 2017). "Smartphones as Global Lab Tools: Experiences across Europe, Africa, and the Americas." Global Conversations at National Science Teachers Association
Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (8 January 2017). "Using Physics Toolbox Apps to Teach about MEMs Technology." American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (7 January 2017). "Introducing Mobile Sensors through Free Gamified App Challenges: Physics Toolbox Play." American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting. San Diego, CA.
Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (17 &18 November 2017). "Telefonos Inteligentes para la Ensenanza de la Fisica." AAPT-MX Section Meeting. San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Video. Workshop. INVITED.
Vieyra, R. (18 November 2017). "Consideraciones Pedagogicas en el Uso de Smartphones para la Ensenanza de la Fisica." AAPT-MX Section Meeting. San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Plenary. INVITED.
Marti, A.; Monteiro, M., Vieyra, R.; & Vieyra, C. (February 2017). "Smartphone Physics." American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting. Atlanta, GA. Workshop. INVITED.
Vieyra, R.; Vieyra, C. (21 October 2016). "Smartphone Science with Free Physics Toolbox Apps." Illinois Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers. Peoria, IL. Workshop.
Vieyra, R.; Vieyra, C.; Jeanjacquot, P.; Marti, A.; & Monteiro, M. (19 July 2016). "Five Smartphone Physics Lessons for Teaching NGSS' DCI Forces and Motion." American Association of Physics Teachers national conference, Sacramento, CA. Poster.
Vieyra, R. & Vieyra, C. (19 July 2016). "Smartphone and Tablet Physics: Unanswered Questions in Educational Technology." American Association of Physics Teachers national conference, Sacramento, CA. Presentation.
Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (19 October 2015). "Smartphones as Tricorders," webinar, International Society for Technology Education Mobile Learning Mondays Mini-Conference. INVITED.
Vieyra, R. (12 September 2015). "Turn Your Mobile Device into a Science Lab Space," presentation, Scienza della Citta, Italian Physics Teachers Association. Naples, Italy. INVITED.
Vieyra, R., Genz, F., & Bresges, A. (9-11 September 2015). "Evaluating the Use of Flight Simulators for the NASA/AAPT Aeronautics for Introductory Physics Educator Guide. 20th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning. Munich, Germany. Related work on mobile apps and gaming.
Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (22 August 2015). "Turn Your Mobile Device into a Science Lab Space," webinar presentation, Northern California Nevada Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers. Nevada. INVITED.
Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (27 July 2015). "Turn Your Mobile Device into a Science Lab Space," poster session, American Association of Physics Teachers national conference. College Park, MD.
Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (30 June 2015). “Mobile Sensor Apps for Learning: Turn your mobile device into a lab space,” presentation and topic table leader at Mobile Makerspace Playground, International Society for Technology Education. Philadelphia, PA. INVITED.
Vieyra, R. (March 2015). “Free Mobile Sensor Apps for Data Collection and Analysis,” National Science Teachers Association national conference. Chicago, IL.
Vieyra, R. (5 December 2014). “Inspiring Ideas: Mobile Devices Apps for Learning,” Google Teacher Academy. Austin, TX. INVITED.
Physics Toolbox en los Medios
TV Broadcasts
Noticia UPVTV. (27 March 2018). "Un laboratorio en el bolsillo." Spain.
Newspaper/Magazine Spread
Cleary Estep, A. (Spring 2017). "From g-Force to V-Force." IIT Magazine.
Web version. Print version. U.S.A.
El Pais. (21 September 2016). "El Profesor Es el Celular." Uruguay.
Ruffo, G.; & Lanotte, N. (2016). "Fisica Lezioni e Problemi: Meccanica." Zanichelli. Italy. pp. VIII, 33, 69, 105, 139, 209, 241, 281, & 343.
Video tutorial: Come sono orientati gli assi delo smartphone?
Video tutorial: Misurare una grandezza costante
Video tutorial: Moto rettilineo uniforme col cellulare
Video tutorial: Come si puo misurare l'accelerazione di un autobus?
Video tutorial: Accelerazione centripeta col cellulare
Video tutorial: Misurare l'accelerazione angolare
Video tutorial: Altitudine e pressione
Ruffo, G.; & Lanotte, N. (2016). "Fisica Lezioni e Problemi: Termodinamica, Onde, Elettromagnetismo." Zanichelli. Italy. pp. 373, 437, 471, 589, & 623.
Video tutorial: L'intensita sonora
Video tutorial: Variazione dell'illuminamento al variare della distanza
Video tutorial: Misurare l'intensita del campo magnetico
Referencias Publicadas Profesionalmente
Wright, K. (27 April 2020). Smartphone physics on the rise. Physics.
Hellesund, S. (2019). Measuring Earth's magnetic field using a smartphone magnetometer. Norway.
Unknown author. (2019). Unknown title. (Mandarin language).
Diaz-Melian, V. L; Rodriguez, L. A.; Pedroso-Camejo, F.; Mieres, J.; de Armas, Y.; Batista-Leyva, A. J.
& Altshuler, E. (2018). Optics undergraduate experiments using smart (and not so smart) phones. Cuba.
Sahin Kizilcik, H. & Damli, V. (15 February 2018). A simple Lissajous curves experimental setup. Physics Education. Vol. 53, no. 3.
Physics Search. (September 2017). pp. 2-5. Taiwan.
Johnston, R. (22 June 2017). "Technology is the key to great STEM teaching." Gizmodo. Australia.
Pierratos, T. (2017). "Laboratory study of the conservation of energy law with a smartphone." Science in Education, vol. 14, pp. 17-23. Greece.
Vieira, L. & Aguilar, C. E. (2016). "Mecanica com o accelerometro de smartphones e tablets." Fisica na Escola. Vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 8-14.
TGS News Service. (7 October 2016). "Deadly decibels." The Golden Sparrow. India.
de Marco, J. B. (21 September 2016). "El profesor es el celular." El Pais. Uruguay.
Gembris, D. (2016). "Smartphones raus! Physik!" Germany.
Kohlhuber, T. (2016). "Rahmenbedingungen eines skalierbaren Mobile Payment Systems." Graduate thesis. pg. 33. Germany.
Carmesin, H. O. (May 2015). "Tragheitskraft." Schulpraxis. MSU. 67, 5. Germany.
Referencias Presentadas Profesionalmente
Lamker, M. (February 2017). "Smartphone im Physikunterricth." Poster.
Dudley, S. (27 July 2015). The Smart Mass. Poster presented at the AAPT national conference. College Park, MD. Blog reference.
Referencias Generales En Línea
Huber, J. M. (7 October 2018). Night light color. WIQQI.DE
Antonio Quirantes. (2018). "Pildoras de Feynman - El ascensor engorda?" Video. Spain.
Monsoriu. (2018). "Mechanical Beats." Spain.
Monsoriu. (2018). "2D Coupled Oscillators." Spain.
Geogebra. (2017). "Decrease in air pressure with altitude." Germany.
Alomar, O. (4 September 2017). "Mesa Sismica." USA.
EpicCowlick. (22 May 2017). "Are Fox Shocks Worth It? 2017 Ford F350."
Open Education Europa. (May 2017). "Case Study on Physics Toolbox App." Europe.
eteachers. (13 April 2017). eteachers #62: Kaleidoscope. France.
Fizika kiserletek. (March 2017). "Marjunk okostelefonnal 1." Hungary.
Unknown. (Jan./Feb. 2017). "Manejo basico de la aplicacion Physics Toolbox Sensor Suite." Spain.
Unknown. (2017). "Trabajo practico de laboratorio No. 1." Argentina.
Janossy, Z. (5 December 2016). "Hogyan használjuk a Physics Toolbox Sensor Suite?" Hungary.
Fisica con TIC. (2016). "Aceleracion y fuerza durante una colision" and "Aceleracion centripeta." Mexico
Cecchini, L. (12 December 2016). "Analisi dell'intensita del suono." Physics AS 2016/17. Italy.
Barnett Dreyfus, B. (11 December 2016). "Make your own transit light curves." The Blog of Phyz. USA.
Loviscach, J. (5 November 2016). "Sensors in the smartphone; IMU." YouTube. Germany.
MAC0209 selected course experiments. (November 2016). Brazil.
Weng, P. (28 July 2016). "Physics Toolbox 實作3:電梯內G值量測." China.
Krokov, P. (25 July 2016). "О приложении physics toolbox и законе Малюса." Russia.
Gymnasium Adolfinum. (17 May 2016). Mechanical Vibration wiki page. Germany.
Practicas. Universidad de Burgos (2016). Spain.
Academie de Poitiers. (9 March 2016). Applications pour tablettes ou smartphones. France.
D'Ambrosio, A. (26 February 2016). Misura dell'accelerazione di gravita con uno smartphone. Italy.
Černý, M. (2 February 2016). "Michal Černý – Physic Toolbox suite." Czechoslovakia.
Engineering4Kids. (31 January 2016). USA.
Project Riley. (31 January 2016). Kelly Graver. USA.
Experimentacio i telefons mobils en les classes de ciencies. (11 January 2016). Spain.
Math and Science Mobile Apps for Education. (21 January 2016). Scott Veale.
Sport e smartphone nella didattica della Fisica. (2015). Zanichelli. Italy.
Testing the Magnic Light Against a Supernova E3. (27 December 2015). New Zealand.
Actividades Practicas de Fisica. (22 November 2015). "Tutorial Péndulo Simple (Energía)."
App of the Week. (30 October 2015). BBC Focus Magazine. England.
Using a Mobile Phone to Measure the Strength of a Vacuum Tank. (4 October 2015). China.
Andreae-Gymnasium Herrenberg. (2015). Germany.
The App for the Year of Light. (7 August 2015). web feature. Germany.
Smartphones in the Classroom 2: Teaching Physics. (6 May 2015). OpenSignal Blog, London, England.
Lisebergsprojekt, Kf, Vt2015. (3 May 2015). University of Gothenberg, Sweden.
Crumple Zone Experiment. (2015). Calderglen High School Physics Website, United Kingdom.
Physics Toolbox Suite. (February 2, 2015). YouTube review, KISK, Czech Republic.
La Fisica Con Gli Smartphone a Mirabilandia, (2014). Mirabilandia, Italy.
Attraktioner. (September 13, 2014). University of Lund, Sweden
Bringing IT to the Classroom. (September 10, 2014). Technology blog, Sweden.
App Share-a-Thon. (July 26-30, 2014). AAPT Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Common Sense Blog: GoPro Winners. (June 26, 2014). Educational blog, USA.
Meditaciones Dactilares: Fisica en Parque de Atracciones. (June 24, 2014). Educational blog, Spain.
Goliath New England Accelerometer Data Next to POV Video. (May 29, 2014). YouTube Video, US.
Smartphone mit Android. (May 2014). Technology blog, Germany.
Top Koppetens 2014. (April 4, 2014). University of Glasgow, College of Education, Scotland.
The Effect of Neodymium Magnets on Induction Loop Traffic Detectors. (April 2, 2014). California State Science Fair, USA.
Gonzalez, E. Combinando Fisica y Quimica con las TIC (II). (11 March, 2014). Spain.
Software fur den Physikunterricht. (February 15, 2014). Gymnasium an der Stadmauer, Germany.
Mobile Learning in Action: Our 101 Favorite Apps, technology blog. (2014)
Smartphone, Fisica, et Sport. (2014). PowerPoint presentation at Sporttech2014, Faenza, Italy.
Biomechanics Augmentation Device V & V Testing. (2014). PowerPoint from University of Sydney, Australia.
Playing with Legos: Roller Coaster Visualizations. (11 November, 2013) Technology blog, USA.
Mobile Device Sensors and Classroom Applications. (16-18 July, 2013). University of Kentucky, USA.