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NSTA Smartphone Science Workshop
Arturo Marti of Uruguay
Archery accelerations
Zanichelli Video Lesson
Tutorial video from GorillaPhysics

Nuestras Publicaciones

Vieyra, R.; Vieyra, C.; Pendrill, A.-M., Xu, B. (2020). Gamified physics challenges for teachers and the public. Physics Education, 55(4), 1-7. 

Vieyra, R. (October 2018). "Teaching students metacognition through discipline-based research and technology." Chapter in Einstein fellows: Best practices in STEM education, 2nd Ed. Peter Lang, Inc.

Vieyra, R., Macchia, S., Vieyra, C. (February 2017). Kitchen physics. The Physics Teacher, 55(2), 87-90.

Macchia, S. & Vieyra, R. (7 December 2016). A simple wind tunnel to analyse Bernoulli's principle. Physics Education, 52(1).

Genz, F., & Vieyra, R. (2016). Evaluating the use of flight simulators for the NASA/AAPT "Aeronautics for Introductory Physics" educator guide. Selected papers from the 20th international conference on multimedia in physics teaching and learning, pp. 139-148. (Related work on computer simulations and mobile apps.)

Vieyra, R., Vieyra, C., Marti, A., Monteiro, M., & Jeanjacquot, P. (December 2015). Turn your smartphone into a science laboratory. The Science Teacher, 82(9), 32-40.


Vieyra, R. (August 2015). Mobile accelerometers in Aeronautics for introductory physics. NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. #EG-2015--03-004-HQ. 85-89.

Vieyra R., Edwards, T., Rowe, E., & Asbell-Clarke, J. (Summer 2015). Playing with science. The Science Teacher, 82(5), 51-59. Related work on mobile gaming.


Wenning, C., & Vieyra, R. (March/April 2015, September 2020) Using technology effectively in Teaching High School Physics, 1st and 2nd Ed. AAPT/AIP Press.


Vieyra, R., & Vieyra, C. (March 2014). “Analyzing Forces on Amusement Park Rides with Mobile Devices.” The Physics Teacher. Vol. 52, pp. 567-56.

Nuestras Presentaciones


Vieyra, R. & Vieyra, C. (2019, November 26). ARCore: Visualizing the Invisible. Presentation given at DroidCon San Francisco, San Francisco, CA.

Vieyra, R. & Vieyra, C. (2019, November 16). Do You Know What I See: Visualization Tools for Physics. PhysCon2019. Presentation given at the AIP Physics Congress 2019. Providence, RI.

Vieyra R. & Vieyra, C. (2019, September 9). ARKit: Visualizing the Invisible. iOSDevCampDC. Plenary presentation given at the public meeting of Capital One iOS developers, McLean, VA. Video

Vieyra, R., Vieyra, C., Megowan Romanowicz, C.; Johnson, M; and Lopez, R. A. (2019, July 25). Visualizing Magnetic Fields with AR. PERC19. Presentation given at the meeting of the Physics Education Research Topical Group, Provo, UT.

Vieyra, R., Vieyra, C., & Hogan, D. (2018, March 16). Smartphones as Global Lab Tools: Experiences across Europe, Africa, and the Americas. NSTA18. Poster and round table discussion at the meeting of the National Science Teaching Association Global Conversation Poster and Share-a-thon workshop, Atlanta, GA.

Vieyra, R. (Spring 2018). "Sensors for Smartphone Science." Gothenburg University & Lund University. Seminars. Gothenburg & Lund, Sweden. INVITED.

Vieyra, C.; Vieyra, R.; & Xu, B. (July 2018). "Title TBD." American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting. Washington, DC. 

Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (July 2018). "Bringing Active STEM Learning through an Experiment-Based Game Challenge." STEM Forum. (Submitted). Philadelphia, PA. 

Vieyra, R., Vieyra C., & Hogan, D. (16 March 2017). "Smartphones as Global Lab Tools: Experiences across Europe, Africa, and the Americas." Global Conversations at National Science Teachers Association 

Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (8 January 2017). "Using Physics Toolbox Apps to Teach about MEMs Technology." American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (7 January 2017). "Introducing Mobile Sensors through Free Gamified App Challenges: Physics Toolbox Play." American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting. San Diego, CA.

Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (17 &18 November 2017). "Telefonos Inteligentes para la Ensenanza de la Fisica." AAPT-MX Section Meeting. San Luis Potosi, Mexico. VideoWorkshop. INVITED.

Vieyra, R. (18 November 2017). "Consideraciones Pedagogicas en el Uso de Smartphones para la Ensenanza de la Fisica." AAPT-MX Section Meeting. San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Plenary. INVITED.

Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (20 July 2017). "Mobile Apps and Sensors for STEM Teaching." Serious Play Conference. Manassass, VA. Workshop. INVITED.

Marti, A.; Monteiro, M., Vieyra, R.; & Vieyra, C. (February 2017). "Smartphone Physics." American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting. Atlanta, GA. Workshop. INVITED.

Vieyra, R.; Vieyra, C. (21 October 2016). "Smartphone Science with Free Physics Toolbox Apps." Illinois Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers. Peoria, IL. Workshop.

Vieyra, R.; Vieyra, C.; Jeanjacquot, P.; Marti, A.; & Monteiro, M. (19 July 2016). "Five Smartphone Physics Lessons for Teaching NGSS' DCI Forces and Motion." American Association of Physics Teachers national conference, Sacramento, CA. Poster.


Vieyra, R. & Vieyra, C. (19 July 2016). "Smartphone and Tablet Physics: Unanswered Questions in Educational Technology." American Association of Physics Teachers national conference, Sacramento, CA. Presentation.


Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (19 October 2015). "Smartphones as Tricorders," webinar, International Society for Technology Education Mobile Learning Mondays Mini-Conference. INVITED. 


Vieyra, R. (12 September 2015). "Turn Your Mobile Device into a Science Lab Space," presentation, Scienza della Citta, Italian Physics Teachers Association. Naples, Italy. INVITED.


Vieyra, R., Genz, F., & Bresges, A. (9-11 September 2015). "Evaluating the Use of Flight Simulators for the NASA/AAPT Aeronautics for Introductory Physics Educator Guide.  20th International Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning. Munich, Germany. Related work on mobile apps and gaming.


Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (22 August 2015). "Turn Your Mobile Device into a Science Lab Space," webinar presentation, Northern California Nevada Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers. Nevada. INVITED.


Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (27 July 2015). "Turn Your Mobile Device into a Science Lab Space," poster session, American Association of Physics Teachers national conference. College Park, MD.


Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (30 June 2015). “Mobile Sensor Apps for Learning: Turn your mobile device into a lab space,” presentation and topic table leader at Mobile Makerspace Playground, International Society for Technology Education. Philadelphia, PA. INVITED.


Vieyra, R. (March 2015). “Free Mobile Sensor Apps for Data Collection and Analysis,” National Science Teachers Association national conference. Chicago, IL.


Vieyra, R. (5 January 2015). “Free Mobile Sensor Apps for Data Collection and Analysis,” American Association of Physics Teachers national conference. San Diego, CA.


Vieyra, R. (5 December 2014). “Inspiring Ideas: Mobile Devices Apps for Learning,” Google Teacher Academy. Austin, TX. INVITED.


Vieyra, C. & Vieyra, R. (Spring 2014). “Free Mobile Device Apps for Data Collection and Analysis,” Illinois Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers conference. Bloomington, IL

Physics Toolbox en los Medios 

TV Broadcasts

Noticia UPVTV. (27 March 2018). "Un laboratorio en el bolsillo." Spain.

Newspaper/Magazine Spread

Cleary Estep, A. (Spring 2017). "From g-Force to V-Force." IIT Magazine.

Web version. Print version. U.S.A.

El Pais. (21 September 2016). "El Profesor Es el Celular." Uruguay.


Ruffo, G.; & Lanotte, N. (2016). "Fisica Lezioni e Problemi: Meccanica." Zanichelli. Italy. pp. VIII, 33, 69, 105, 139, 209, 241, 281, & 343. 


Ruffo, G.; & Lanotte, N. (2016). "Fisica Lezioni e Problemi: Termodinamica, Onde, Elettromagnetismo." Zanichelli. Italy. pp. 373, 437, 471, 589, & 623.

O'Keefe, D. (2016). Physics 1 VCE Units 1 and 2 eBookPLUS. Chapter 13: Practical Investigations. Unit 2. Wiley. p. 250. Australia. 


TechCentral. (8 April 2017). "TalkCentral: Ep. 173 - 'The Skypes.' App of the Week." Starting at 37:17. mark. South Africa.

Lab Out Loud: Science for the Classroom and Beyond. (25 January 2016). "Physics Toolbox: Data Collection with Student Smartphones." U.S.A.


Ditch That Textbook. (1 January 2015). "11 class activities with sensors you didn't know your phone had." U.S.A.

Referencias Publicadas Profesionalmente

Erol, M., Hocaoglu, k., & Kaya, S. (29 April 2020). Measurement of spring constants of various spring-mass systems by using smartphones: A teaching proposal. Momentum: Physics Education Journal, 4(1).

Wright, K. (27 April 2020). Smartphone physics on the rise. Physics.

Zengh. Z.; Dehghani Soltani, M; Haas, H.; & Safari, M. (April 2019). Orientation model of mobile device for indoor VLC and millimetre wave systems. 2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference. Scotland.

Eriksson, U. & Pendrill, A.-M. (2019). Up and down, light and heavy, fast and slow--but where? Physics Education. Vol. 54. Sweden.

Cui, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Huang, Y.; Wang, Z.; & Fu, Huimin. (March 2019). Novel WiFi/MEMS integrated indoor navigation system based on two-stage EKF. Micromachines. China.

Salinas, I.; Monteiro, M.; Marti, A.; & Monsoriu, J. A. (March 2019). Dynamics of a yoyo using a smartphone gyroscope sensor. (Submitted). Spain/Uruguay.

Larnder, C. I. (March 2019). A purely geometrical method of determining the location of a smartphone accelerometer. (Submitted). Canada.

Dash, A.; Yadav, A.; Chauhan, A.; & Lahiri, U. (March 2019). Kinect-assisted performance-sensitive upper limb exercise platform for post-stroke survivors. Frontiers of Neuroscience. India.

Escamirosa Montalvo, L. F.; Arroyo Matus, R.; Ocampo Garcia, M. de. L.; Peralta Galvez, H. (2019). Structural improvement of the traditional housing of adobe from Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas. Revista Iberoamericana de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanisticas. Vol. 8, no. 15. Mexico.

Pili, U. & Violanda, R. (February 2019). Smartphone-based measurement of the Planck's constant with light-emitting diodes. Physics Education. Vol. 54, no. 2. Philippines.

Coban, A. & Erol, M. (February 2019). Teaching and determination of kinetic friction coefficient using smartphones. Physics Education. Vol. 54, no. 2. Turkey.

Pili, U. & Violanda, R. (February 2019). Measuring a spring constant with a smartphone magnetic field sensor. The Physics Teacher. Vol. 57, no. 2, p. 198-. Philippines.

Pili, U. & Violanda, R. (2019). Smartphone-based measurement of the Planck's constant with light-emitting diodes. Vol. 54, no. 2. Philippines.

Coban, A. & Erol, M. (2019). Teaching and determining of kinetic friction coefficient using smartphones. Physics Education. Vol. 54, no. 2. Turkey.

de Oliveira, Reis, T. (2019). Aquisição de Dados por um Computador e um Smartphone para Verificar a Lei de Faraday da Indução Eletromagnética no Ensino Médio. Thesis.

Honaker, A. (2019). Curriculum from Mercer team brings physics to life for high school students. Mercer News. 

Hellesund, S. (2019). Measuring Earth's magnetic field using a smartphone magnetometer. Norway.

Monteiro, M.; Stari, C.; Cabeza, C. & Marti, A. C. (2019). Physics experiments using simultaneous more than one smartphone sensor. Journal of Physics Conference Series. Uruguay.

Unknown author. (2019). Unknown title. (Mandarin language).

Vu, D.-S.; Barnett, E.; & Gosselin, C. (December 2018). Experimental validation of a three-DOF cable-suspended parallel robot for spatial translation with constant orientation. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. Canada.

Viloria Raymundo, R.; Tricio Gomez, V.; & Collado Cabeza, S. (December 2018). Los teléfonos móviles como herramientas TIC para la enseñanza de la Física. I Congreso Iberoamericano de Docentes.

Diaz-Melian, V. L; Rodriguez, L. A.; Pedroso-Camejo, F.; Mieres, J.; de Armas, Y.; Batista-Leyva, A. J.

 & Altshuler, E. (2018). Optics undergraduate experiments using smart (and not so smart) phones. Cuba.

Blom, L. (2018). Impact of light on augmented reality: Evaluating how different light conditions affect the performance of Microsoft HoloLens 3D applications. Bachelor thesis. Linkoping University. Sweden.

Gutierrez-Garcia, J. J.; Ruiz-Ledesma, E. F.; Mejia-Velasco, H. R. (2018). Aplicaciones moviles para construir de forma numerica el concepto de derivada. Systemas, Cibernetica e Informatica. Vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 52-56. Spain.

Spoljar, M. (2018). Use of mobile applications for spectral analysis of musical instruments. Master's Thesis. University of Ljubljana.

Ouattara, L.; Pendrill, A.-M.; Eriksson, U.; Eriksson, M.; & Svensson, K. (October 2018). Interactive engagement and semiotic resources in a classical mechanics lesson setup. International Conference on Physics Education. Johannesburg, South Africa.

Griswold-Steiner, I.; Fyke, Z.; Mushfique A.; & Serwadda, A. (2018). Morph-a-Dope: Using pupil manipulation to spooth eye movement biometrics. 9th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON). Columbia University, New York, NY.

Salinas, I.; Gimenez, M. H.; Monsoriu, J. A.; & Castro-Palacio J C. (2018). Characterization of linear light sources with the light sensor. The Physics Teacher. Vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 562-563.

Kask, T. & Kuusik, A. (October 2018). Performance comparison of smartphones and a wearable motion sensor for patient m-assessment. 2018 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference. Estonia.

Nuryantini, A. Y.; Sawitri, A; & Nuryadin, B W. (October 2018). Constant speed motion analysis using a smartphone magnetometer. Physics Education. Vol. 53, no. 6.

Costa, V. A. (2018). Uso de dispositivos moviles y de software matematico en la ensenanza por investigacion. Revista Electronica de Ensenanaza de las Ciencias. Vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 626-641.

Mahen, E. C. S.; Susanti, S.; Nuryadin, B. W.; & Nuryantini, A. Y. (2018). Preliminary study of simple methods to get the average speed using a smartphone's light sensor. MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol. 197, No. 02003, pp. 1-3.

Litzenberger, S.; Hofstatter, O.; Christensen, T.; & Sabo, A. (September 2018). Kassifizierung des Strassenzustands beim Radfahren mittels Smartphone-Daten. Symposium der dvs-Sektion Sportinformatic und Sporttechnologie. Munich, Germany.

Fabian, C.; Jungwirth, M.; Kalteis, M.; Merschak, S.; Stadlmann, B.; Stock, L.; & Wagner, A.(August 2018). Studie für eine innovative, lärm- und verschleißarme Bremsung am Abrollberg. Thesis. Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie.

Salinas, I.; Gimenez, M. H.; Monsoriu, J. A. (August 2018). Smartphone as a barometer in physics experiments. Modeling in Science Education and Learning. Vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 15-24.

Dlotko, P. (24 August 2018). Computational and applied topology, tutorial. Thesis. Swansea University.

Penades Pla, A. (July 2018). Caracterizacion de la aceleracion de un juego de poleas con una masa variable mediante el sensor de aceleracion de un smartphone. Thesis.

Pendrill, A.-M. & Modig, C. (5 June 2018). Pendulum rides, rotations and the Coriolis effect. Physics Education. Vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1-8.

Gomes de Araujo, F. A. (2018). Fisica em movimiento: Atividades com smartphones e tablets. Master's Thesis.

Moldwin, M. B. (May/June 2018). Dorm room labs for introductory large-lecture science majors. Journal of College Science Teaching. Vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 36-41.

ESERO Spain. (May 2018). Detective de exoplanetas: Escondidos en la luz, modelo de transito de exoplanetas.

Gonzalez, Manuel A.; Gomez, A.; & Gonzalez, Miguel A. (May 2018). Smartphones on the air track. Examples and difficulties. Papers in Physics. Vol. 10, art. 100005.

Dehghani Soltani, M.; Andi Purwita, A.; Zeng, Z.; Haas, H.; & Safari, M. (2018 - submitted). Modeling the random orientation of mobile devices: Measurement, analysis, and LiFi use case. Submitted to IEEE.

Kesirat, P. & Suwit Pakpop, K. (2018). Development of a polarization experiment of light using a smartphone. Walailak Procedia. Vol. 2, no. 30.

Hernandez Priedo, D. A. (22 May 2018). Diseño de actividades de aprendizaje basadas en dispositivos móviles personales. Master's Thesis. Universidad de Valladolid.

Mossler Rockstrom, M. (23 April 2018). Computational spoon shape optimization for use by patiences with motor impairments. Master's Thesis. KTH Department of Computational Science and Technology.

Onorato, P.; Gratton, L. M.; Polesello, M.; Salmoiraghi, A.; & Oss, S. (5 April 2018). The Beer Lambert law measurement made easy. Physics Education. Vol. 53, no. 3. Italy.

Martin-Ramos, P.; Pereira Silva, P. S.; & Ramos Silva, M. (March 2018 - Accepted). The 'spinning disk touches stationary disk' problem revisited: An experimental approach. European Journal of Physics. Spain.

Gilmour, D.; Davies, M. W.; Duong, K. M.; Gilmour, I. J. (23 March 2018). Neostress: Study of transfer and retrieval environmental stressors upon neonates via a mobile phone application--Sound. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. Vol. 54, supplement 1, p. 21. Australia.

Gilmour, D.; Davies, M. W.; Duong, K. M.; Gilmour, I. J. (23 March 2018). Neostress: Study of transfer and retrieval environmental stressors upon neonates via a mobile phone application--Light. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. Vol. 54, supplement 1, p. 77. Australia.

Pili, U.; Violanda, R.; & Ceniza, C. (April 2018). Measurement of g using a magnetic pendulum and a smartphone magnetometer. The Physics Teacher. Vol. 53, no. 4. Philippines.

Litzenberger, S.; Christensen, T.; Hofstatter, O.; & Sabo, A. (22 February 2018). Prediction of road surface quality during cycling using smartphone accelerometer data. Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association. Brisbane, Australia.

Sahin Kizilcik, H. & Damli, V. (15 February 2018). A simple Lissajous curves experimental setup. Physics Education. Vol. 53, no. 3.

Pili, U. (9 February 2018). A dynamic-based measurement of a spring constant with a smartphone light sensor. Physics Education. Vol. 53, no. 3.

Pili, U. & Violanda, R. (February 2018). Measuring average angular velocity with a smartphone magnetic field sensor. The Physics Teacher. Vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 114-115. 

Escobar, I.; Ramirez-Vazquez, R.; Gonzalez-Rubio, J.; Belendez, A.; & Arribas, E. (26 January 2018). Magnetic field of a linear quadrupole using the magnetic sensors inside the smartphones. Preprints.

Hauck, B.; Schafer, M.; Khun, J.; & Ulber, R. (23 January 2018). Fine dust measurement with the smartphone. Chemie In Unserer Zeit. doi: 10.1002 / ciuz.201800845

Hawley, S. & McClain, R. Jr. (January 2018). Visualizing sound directivity via smartphone sensors. The Physics Teacher. Vol. 56, no. 1, pp.  72-74.

Pierratos, T. & Polatogloui, H. (2018). Study of the conservation of mechanical energy in the motion of a pendulum using a smartphone. Physics Education. Vol. 53, no. 015021.

Hsieh, Y-J. & Chiang, C-M. (2017). Innovation of general physica experiment - Verification of Malus' law by a mobile phone. Chinese Physics Education. Vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 99-106. Taiwan.

Van Vliet, K. (11 December 2017). Feasibility of a smart-phone ambient light sensor as a tachometer. The McMaster Journal of Engineering Physics. Vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-4.

Tomaschko, M. & Hohenwarter, M. (4-6 December 2017). Integrating mobile and sensory technologies in mathematics education. MoMM2017 Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia, pp. 39-48.

Arnau Marco, E. (December 2017). Visualitzacio del moviment harmonic simple aplicant les noves tecnologies. Ciencies. No. 34, pp. 16-21.

Salinas, I.; Gimenez, M. H.; Castro-Palacio, J. C.; Gomez-Tejedor, J. A.; & Monsoriu, J. A. (December 2017). The smartphone as a sound level meter: Visualizing acoustical beats. Tecnica Industrial. Vol. 318, pp. 34-38.

Huerta-Cancino, L. (November 2017). Uso de TIC en actividades experimentals de fisica en formacion inicial docente. XX Congreso Internacional EDUTEC 2017. Universidad de Santiago, Chile.

Sieklucki, G.; Bien, A.; Sobieraj, S.; & Gromba, J. (2017). "A comparison of sample time regularity in analog-to-digital converters used in accelerometers for selected mobile devices." Zeszyty Naukove Wydzialu Elektrotechniki i Automatyki PG. Poland.

D'Ambrosio, A., Mameli, A., & Lai P. L. (2017). "Da Galileo ad Einstein: la Gravita per Tutti - Esperimenti con lo smartphone." Amazon. Italy.

Tseng, Y.-H. "Measurement of the period of a pendulum by smartphone." Chinese Physics Education. Vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 65-76. Taiwan.

Goy, N.-A.; Denis, Z.; Lavaud M.; Grolleau, A.; Dufour, N.; Deblais, A.; Delabre, U. (November 2017). "Surface Tension Measurements with a Smartphone." The Physics Teacher. France.

Echegorri Rodriguez, F. D. (19 October 2017). "Determinacion del modulo de Young de una barra cilindrica." Rev. Bras. Ensino Fis. vol. 40, no. 2. Uruguay.

Pendrill, A.-M., & Ouattara, L. (17 October 2017). "Force, acceleration and velocity during trampoline jumps--a challenging assignment." Physics Education. Vol. 52, no. 6. Sweden.

László, N. (2017). "A termeszetismeret-kornyezettan tanarkepzes gyakorlati tantargyainak metodikai fejlesztese a koszegi-hegyseg magyarorsqagi teruleten a kornyezeti elemek vizsgalatan keresztul." Doctoral Thesis. Hungary.

Raj. M.; Bhaskar Semwal, V.; & Nandi G. C. (3 October 2017). "Hybrid model for passive locomotion control of a biped humanoid: The artificial neural network approach." International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. pp. 1-7. India.

Physics Search. (September 2017). pp. 2-5. Taiwan. 

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. (July 2017). Figuring outer space: Lesson 2 - How to find an exoplanet. Canada.

Cerqueira, D.; Carvalho, F.; Bettencourt Melo, R. (2018, published only 23 June 2017). Is it smart to use smartphones to measure illuminance for occupational health and safety purposes? In: Arezes P. (eds) Advances in Safety Management and Human Factors. AHFE 2017. Advances in Intelligence Systems and Computing, vol. 604. Springer, Cham., pp. 258-268.

Johnston, R. (22 June 2017). "Technology is the key to great STEM teaching." Gizmodo. Australia.

Tornqvist, C. (Spring 2017). "Walking movement detection using stationary stochastic methods on accelerometer data." Bachelor Thesis. Lund University, Sweden.

Lendoiro Valle, B. (Spring 2017). "Desarrollo y evaluacion de una app Android para la medida de dosis de vibraciones en tractors." Bachelor Thesis. University of Valladolid, Spain.

Monteiro, M.; Stari, C.; Cabeza, C.; & Marti, A. (May 2017). "The polarization of light and Malus' law using smartphones." The Physics Teacher. pp. 264-266.

Jongprasithporn, M.; Yodpijit, N.; Srivalai, R.; & Pongsophane, P. (24-26 April 2017). "A smartphone-based real-time simple activity recognition." IEEE 3rd International Conference on Control, Automation, and Robotics (ICCAR), 2017. Thailand/Japan.

Cupic, D. (April 2017). "Moderni laboratorij fizike." XIII. Hrvatski simpozij o nastavi fizike. pp. 273-277.

Pierratos, T. (2017). "Laboratory study of the conservation of energy law with a smartphone." Science in Education, vol. 14, pp. 17-23. Greece.

Mehta, K. & Dhiman, S. (April 2017). "GAIT analysis using Weka: Guard mobile device." International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology. Vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 9-14.

Semwal, V. B.; Mondal, K.; & Nandi G. C. (March 2017). "Robust and accurate feature selection for humanoid push recovery and classification: Deep learning approach." Vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 565-574. India.

Zarzar, L.; Kalow, J.; Xinping, H.; Walish, J.; & Swager, T. (7 March 2017). "Optical visualization and quantification of enzyme activity using dynamic droplet lenses." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. doi: 10.1073.pnas.1618807114. USA.

Barrera-Garrido, A. (April 2017). "A smartphone inertial balance." The Physics Teacher. Vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 248-249. Panama.

Chang, K.-H. & Bassue, J. (21 February 2017). "Green Tricycle Design through Experiential Learning - An Open Courseware Enriching Engineering Curriculum and Entrepreneurship." Computer-Aided Design and Applications. 

Avsar, H. (February 2017). "Exploring potential benefits and challenges of touch screens on the flight deck." Doctoral Thesis.

Plisson, T. (February 2017). "L'utilisation l'app Physics Toolbox Suite." Des souris et des profs... Le Bup. Vol. 111, no. 991, pp. 263-264.

De Baets, A. (2016). "Meting en analyse acceleratie van snelle elekttrische fietsen." Master's Thesis. Department of Industrial Engineering, Ku Leuven. Belgium.

Arabasi, S. & Al-Taani, H. (15 December 2016). "Measuring the Earth's magnetic field dip angle using a smartphone-aided setup: A simple experiment for introductory physics laboratories." European Journal of Physics. Vol. 38, no. 2.

Monteiro, M., & Marti, A. (7 December 2016). "Using smartphone pressure sensors to measure vertical velocities of elevators, stairways, and drones." Physics Education. Vol. 52, no. 1.

Chiu, C.-Y. & Tseng, Y.-H. (2016). "Understanding the phenomenon of the series and parallel spring by smartphone." Chinese Physics Education. Vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 57-66.

Kozyrev, A. & Shvyykovsky, A. (2016). "Using Physics Toolbox Package for Laboratory Phywe Company Works with the Helmholtz Coils." Секция IV. Учебный физический эксперимент в системе общего образования. pp. 215-217. Russia.

Vandermarliere, J. (December 2016). "On the inflation of a rubber balloon." The Physics Teacher. Vol. 54, no. 9, pp. 566-567.

Allen, J.; Boucher, A.; Meggison, D.; Hruby, K.; & Vesenka, J. (November 2016). "Inexpensive audio activities: Earbud-based sound experiments." The Physics Teacher. Vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 500-502.

Ellamil, M.; Berson, J.; Wong, J.; Buckley, L.; & Margulies, D. (20 October 2016). "One in the dance: Musical correlates of group synchrony in a club environment." PLoS ONE. 11(10). England/Germany. 

Comino, J. (October 2016). "Modelling rail vehicle dynamic load variation and bearing wear." Honors Thesis. School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia.

Granholm, P. (2016). "Mobile Phone Physics Laboratory." The 12th International CDIO Conference, pp. 590-594. Finland.

Vieira, L. & Aguilar, C. E. (2016). "Mecanica com o accelerometro de smartphones e tablets." Fisica na Escola. Vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 8-14.

Macchia, S. & Guidara, P. (2016). "Physics lab activities with inquiry spaces." Technologie Didattiche. Vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 122-125.

TGS News Service. (7 October 2016). "Deadly decibels." The Golden Sparrow. India.

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